

日期 : 2022-02-18

Tunghai University
International College
International Business Administration Program
Recruiting Announcement
One Full-time Assistant Professor (or higher) Faculty Position
One Full-Time Project-Based Faculty Position

A full-time Assistant Professor (or higher) position and a full-time project-based faculty position are available in the International Business Administration Program, starting August 1, 2022.

Possession of a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in Accounting, Business Administration, Marketing, Management, Supply Chain or a related field, in addition to a commitment to undergraduate teaching in an English-taught, liberal arts focused academic program, are required. Tentative courses will include Accounting, Marketing Management and Electronic Commerce. Please note, all courses in the International College are taught in English. Successful candidates will be appointed has either a full-time faculty or project-based faculty based on their experience, expertise, and research history.

Application Materials – Please note that ALL of the following MUST be in English:

1) cover letter, 2) CV, 3) copy of diploma, 4) graduate transcripts, 5) three letters of reference, and 6) a statement about the applicant’s teaching philosophy and research plans.

Deadline: March 31, 2022. Please include an email address and telephone/cell phone numbers where you may be contacted. Mail all application materials (hard copies only) to: Personnel Office, Tunghai University, 1727, Section 4, Taiwan Boulevard, Xitun District, Taichung 40704, Taiwan R.O.C. (Please write “Application for International College IBA Program Full-Time and/or Project-Based Position” on the back of the envelope).

Submitted application materials will not be returned.

In addition, please email a copy of the applicant materials and the Applicant Information Form (see attachment) to iba@thu.edu.tw. In the Subject Heading of the email, please type “Application for Full-Time and/or Project-Based Position”.
http://ic.thu.edu.tw/; Tel: 886-4-2359-0121 ext. 39100