

國際學院不分系英語學士班Interdisciplinary Degree Program

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東海大學國際學院取經美國之通識課程「國際領導課程」,並輔以Mentor Program (聘請美國應屆畢業生來校擔任學生Mentor)、Mini-mester制度 (聘請海外教授來校授課),成為台灣真正全英語教學國際學院之首例。



  1. 設計一套獨有的中文課程,著重中文溝通及表達能力,並加強中文之聽、說、讀、寫。
  2. 引導其跨領域探索學習興趣及發展能力。
  3. 聘請華語教學助理, 以及雙語助教,協助必修課程的輔導。
  4. 彈性學期時間規畫,每學年定期邀請外籍教授開設選修課程。
  5. 每年招收外籍學生來台進行聯合教學,並到國際型企業參訪。
  6. 暑假擁有海內外專業實習機會,並引入業師協助職涯輔導。
  7. 設計專屬的華語性社團。
  8. 建立完整的華語及英語學習環境及生活輔導機制。
  9. 開設一套獨具特色的全英語通識教育課程。


  1. 落實全人教育,培育學生俱備自然、人文與社會關懷素養。
  2. 深化專業知識及素養並培育學生俱備團隊合作及自我表達能力。
  3. 培養學生俱備國際視野及競爭力。
  4. 培養國際歷練與多國語言溝通能力。


  1. 具備問題分析之能力。
  2. 具備國際宏觀視野及多元化學習之能力。
  3. 具備多語言溝通及總合決策之能力。
  4. 具備資訊科技應用及領導溝通能力。
  5. 具備終身學習之能力


This Interdisciplinary Degree Program (IDP) in the Tunghai University International College is a gateway into most majors at Tunghai University for international students with limited or no Chinese ability. The first two years are spent exploring various majors, completing general education requirements in English, and taking Chinese language classes to expand students’ course options in their final two years. In the final two years, students declare a major in another department or a concertation in the International College. The IDP is ideal for students who want to improve their Chinese ability and explore a variety of academic disciplines as part of a vibrant international community.

The teachers, students, and study overseas opportunities create a unique international experience for students in the IC. The faculty of the IC is composed of both local and international teachers. Also, a third of the student population is from overseas (34 different countries). This combination of teachers and students creates a truly international environment. Moreover, the university has numerous exchange and double degree programs with leading universities around the world.

International applications at most universities in Taiwan require students to specify intended majors, but not all student are ready to do so at the start of their studies. However, this program is similar to most US universities where students can be admitted without a declared major. In addition, the program’s foundation is a liberal arts educational approach that aims to cultivate students’ creativity, sense of globalization, interdisciplinary learning ability, critical thinking ability, and ability to innovate.

Warm regards,
James Sims